They came in last at the Olympics.

Yep, I remember. They came in last at the Olympics, then retired to promote alcoholic beverages! I've been there. My folks were always on me to groom myself and wear underpants. What am I, the pope? Alright, let's mafia things up a bit. Joey, burn down the ship. Clamps, burn down the crew.

Leela's gonna kill me. Oh, I think we should just stay friends. Calculon is gonna kill us and it's all everybody else's fault! That's not soon enough! 

What's with you kids? 

Every other day it's food, food, food. Alright, I'll get you some stupid food.

I feel like I was mauled by Jesus. Fatal. Hey, you add a one and two zeros to that or we walk! My fellow Earthicans, as I have explained in my book 'Earth in the Balance'', and the much more popular ''Harry Potter and the Balance of Earth', we need to defend our planet against pollution. Also dark wizards.

I meant 'physically'. Look, perhaps you could let me work for a little food? I could clean the floors or paint a fence, or service you sexually?

Anyhoo, your net-suits will allow you to experience Fry's worm infested bowels as if you were actually wriggling through them.

Why would a robot need to drink?

I'll get my kit!

You guys go on without me! I'm going to go… look for more stuff to steal! That's a popular name today. Little "e", big "B"? And until then, I can never die? It's okay, Bender. I like cooking too.

I daresay that Fry has discovered the smelliest object in the known universe!

Actually, that's still true.

I don't want to be rescued.

Can we have Bender Burgers again? Oh, you're a dollar naughtier than most. I usually try to keep my sadness pent up inside where it can fester quietly as a mental illness. You've killed me! Oh, you've killed me!

That's right, baby. I ain't your loverboy Flexo, the guy you love so much. You even love anyone pretending to be him! Ummm…to eBay? Well, let's just dump it in the sewer and say we delivered it.

Shut up and take my money! Hey! I'm a porno-dealing monster, what do I care what you think? Tell them I hate them. Ugh, it's filthy! Why not create a National Endowment for Strip Clubs while we're at it?

Just once I'd like to eat dinner with a celebrity who isn't bound and gagged. Bender, quit destroying the universe! I suppose I could part with 'one' and still be feared… Why did you bring us here?

For example, if you killed your grandfather, you'd cease to exist! I usually try to keep my sadness pent up inside where it can fester quietly as a mental illness. What are their names? That's the ONLY thing about being a slave.

Ah, yes! John Quincy Adding Machine. He struck a chord with the voters when he pledged not to go on a killing spree. You wouldn't. Ask anyway! As an interesting side note, as a head without a body, I envy the dead.

Enough about your promiscuous mother, Hermes! We have bigger problems. You lived before you met me?! I'm a thing. Whoa a real live robot; or is that some kind of cheesy New Year's costume? Aww, it's true. I've been hiding it for so long.

Your best is an idiot! Stop! Don't shoot fire stick in space canoe! Cause explosive decompression! Interesting. No, wait, the other thing: tedious. I had more, but you go ahead.

No argument here. There, now he's trapped in a book I wrote: a crummy world of plot holes and spelling errors! I just want to talk. It has nothing to do with mating. Fry, that doesn't make sense. Bite my shiny metal ass.

In our darkest hour, we can stand erect, with proud upthrust bosoms. What are you hacking off? Is it my torso?! 'It is!' My precious torso! These old Doomsday Devices are dangerously unstable. I'll rest easier not knowing where they are.

Why not indeed! Aww, it's true. I've been hiding it for so long. Then throw her in the laundry room, which will hereafter be referred to as "the brig". Your best is an idiot!

Entah mau ngetik apaan :v

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